Breeding Light & Buff Sussex
 & Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

You can view pictures of my birds in my Buff Sussex Web Album

Click on the link to view the album

The Buff Sussex are the original sussex that caught my eye.  When I first saw them I was really smitten and thought 'Wow a buff orpington with pizazz!'  Upon further research I found that they possessed the characteristics I was looking for in a breed.  Like the light sussex, the buff sussex is an English heavy breed prized as a table fowl and is also a good layer of medium to large brown eggs.  I couldn't find any stock in the US at the time and even went so far as to contact a breeder in the UK but importing was beyond what I could do.  I have since hatched out some eggs from a breeder in Wisconsin whose birds were originally brought into Canada from the UK and I got a beautiful rooster from Greenfire Farms.  The resulting cross has produced some amazing birds!!  Beautiful, large, friendly birds that are fantastic foragers with the added benefit of more genetic diversity.  With this wider gene pool I was expecting odd traits to pop up but the resulting birds have been surprisingly uniform.  Also all the chicks in my last 2 hatches have had the buff underfluff which is preferred although the slate underfluff is not a DQ.  These birds are rapidly becoming my favorite breed!

Check out the new American Sussex Association.  It's free to join for anyone interested in the Sussex Breed with more information about the breed being added regularly:
Buff Sussex